Sunday 28 January year 2013

Sunday 10 February year 2013


Venerable Ephrem the Syrian
Ephrem was born in Syria of poor parents during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great. He spent his young life rather tempestuously; but all at once a change took place in his soul and he began to burn with love for the Lord Jesus. Ephrem was a disciple of St. James Nisibis ##(January 13th).>>T(011302)## From the enormous Grace of God, wisdom flowed from his tongue as a brook of honey and ceaseless tears flowed from his eyes. Industrious as a bee, Ephrem continually either wrote books or orally taught the monks in the monastery and the people in the town of Edessa or he dedicated himself to prayer and contemplation. Numerous are his books and beautiful are his prayers. The most famous is his prayer recited during the Honorable Fast Season: "Lord and Bishop of my life." When they tried by force to install him as bishop he pretended insanity and started running through the streets of Edessa dragging his garment behind him. Seeing this people left him in peace. He was a contemporary and a friend of Saint Basil the Great. Saint Ephrem is principally an apostle of repentance. Even today his writings soften many hearts that have been hardened by sin and bring them back to Christ. He died in great old age in the year 378 A.D.

Venerable Isaac the Syrian
Born in Nineveh. As a young man he lived an ascetic life in a monastery near Nineveh. When he became known for his virtuous life and many miracles, he was elected bishop of Nineveh and forced to accept this order. But five months later he left his see and went off in secrecy to a monastery in the desert. He wrote many works of which we now possess some hundred sermons about spiritual and ascetic life which he wrote on the basis of his personal experience. He was unequalled as psychologist and spiritual leader. Even saints like St. Simeon of the Wonderful Mountain used to ask his advice. He died in old age towards the end of the 7th century.

Venerable Paladius, a Syruan Hermit
A great ascetic and wonder-worker. Once the dead body of a rich man whom bandits had robbed and killed was found in front of his cell. When Paladius was brought to trial, he, in order to save himself from trouble, prayed to God and resurrected the dead man. He died in the 4th century.

Venerable Ephrem of the Caves of Kiev
He instituted the commemoration of the transfer of relics of Saint Nicolas to Bari on May 9th.

February 2013

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