Sunday 21 September year 2015

Sunday 4 October year 2015


Holy Apostle Codratus
One of the Seventy, he was a disciple of the Great Apostles. He preached the Gospel in Athens, and was at first bishop in Athens after St. Publius, and then in the city of Magnesia. He was very learned in the secular disciplines and rich with the grace of the Holy Spirit. His biographer says of him: "He was as a morning star among clouds" , the clouds being the darkness of Hellenic paganism, lacking the light of devotion, and the holy Apostle Codratus shone to them - the Hellenes - as a great light, illumining the darkness, casting down the foul sacrifices and destroying demonic temples by his prayers. But darkness always hates the light, and the pagans hated holy Codratus. They first stoned him, as the Jews had earlier stoned St. Stephen, and then imprisoned him, leaving him without bread until his holy soul left his body and entered into the Kingdom of Christ his God. St. Codratus wrote a defence of Christianity and gave it to the Emperor Hadrian. This defence acted so strongly upon the pagan Emperor that he decreed that Christians should not be persecuted without especial cause. Holy Codratus suffered in about 130. He was buried in Magnesia, the place of his passion.

Hieromartyr Hypatius, Bishop of Ephesus, and Andrew the Priest
Two childhood friends, born in Lycia, they both gave themselves with their whole souls to the service of God when they grew up, Hypatius as a strict monk and ascetic, and Andrew as a priest among the people and a preacher of the Word of God. For his great virtues, Hypatius was made Bishop of Ephesus, and Andrew was made priest in the same city. They both suffered in the time of the iconoclast Emperor Leo the Isaurian. After terrible tortures for Orthodoxy, they were beheaded in 730, and both went from this transitory world to eternal life.

St. Dimitri, Bishop of Rostov
He is commemorated on October 28th, and on this day is commemorated the finding of his wonderworking relics in 1752.

Assembly of all the Saints of the Kiev Caves
The blessed work of asceticism begun by Antony, the lover of labour and man of God, grew throughout the ages as a fruitful olive tree. Thenumerous saints, who shone like stars in these caves of Antony's, are each commemorated on his special day. Today, the whole assembly of them is commemorated and invoked by the faithful for aid.

October 2015

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